☯︎ heizelnut

portrait photo of me outdoors my distorted face into a beer tap at a pub me drinking from a glass me having a birthday party with some friends


I usually don't look this good.

I'm Emanuele, a years old male from the order of Primates (the Homo sapiens species) who happens to live in Italy.

My interests span across different subjects, but my bread and butter is software development. I started fiddling with broken PCBs when I was 8 years old, and since then I am passionate and dead curious about electronics. I fell in love with software once I discovered I could design pretty much anything I wanted from the ground up, without any upfront cost.

I like maths, even though I'm not exceptionally good at it. I'm also interested in music, in every aspect of it (theory, production & listening) and I even tried to write some songs in the past, without any success.

I would consider myself a slow thinker, as I take my time to ponder at everything it's asked to me.